Nage-no-kata: Forms of Throwing.
The first and most important kata is the "nage-no-kata" (Forms of Throwing). This kata consists of 15 by the founder of judo Jigoro Kano in 1887 selected throws that have te performed on the left and right side. Each throw starts with an attack of Uke on Tori. To be successful in this kata a good understanding of the principles of judo is necessary; disrupting of balance and coordination are important aspects.
The fifteen throws of the nage-no-kata consists of 3 techniques from each of the five throw groups in judo: hand techniques (te waza), hip technique (goshi waza), foot techniques (ashi waza), rear sacrifice techniques (ma sutemi waza) and side sacrifice techniques (yoko sutemi waza).
Click on the Japanese name to view a movie of the technique