Every time an other combination of questions.
Waza-ari means:
Schouldertechniques in Japanese:
A competition starts after:
A judobelt is a:
The orange belt is:
Te compete in a tournemant one has to be:
Modern judo is developed by:
The first Dutch Olympic champion in 1964 was:
Barai means:
When sensei says that a throw has to be executed leftsided this is in Japanese:
Which does NOT belong to the "standing techniques":
Minimum age for black belt is:
O-goshi is:
For the black belt exam one can choose:
Hara-Gatame is:
Okuri-eri-Jime is:
The third Kyu is:
When a referree says "osae-komi" you:
Hiza-Guruma is:
This is a pinning technique:
Pinning technique:
Who wins:
Criteria for 'Ippon" are:
Sutemi-waza is:
This means:
Judo was developed in:
Before executing a throw (most important):
What order of scores is correct (low to high)?
When a pinning technique is broken the referree says:
Which Kata is composed of counter techniques:
Where do you grab your opponent to perform obi-otoshi:
A waza-ari is how many points:
Tai-otoshi is:
This is a:
Hiza-guruma is:
The throwing judoka is called:
The judoka thrown is called:
A "half" ippon is named:
The coat judoka's wear is called:
Ippon Seoi Nage belongs to the:
This is:
This is:
This is:
Ashi-Waza are:
Controling techniques are called:
Osea-komi means:
Repeatedly practising a throwing technique without throwing the opponent is called:
Kake is:
This is:
Sweeping both legs is performed in a:
O-uchi-gari is: